4. Would I have let go of so much if we had been more secure?
Part 4 of the “Therapeutic” series of essays
Why do I make? Why does it bring me peace? I am blessed, I know, to have the time to think, to try, to learn, to explore, to create. It is a privilege I wrestle with. How to acknowledge it? As I sew the handkerchief, as I pin it to the mount, I think of the final object’s uselessness. All those hours of research to make something with no function beyond provocation. Is provocation a use? Is it the pivot turning privilege into statement, into action, however quiet? Will my own exposure help others to shed the questions they hold? The questions they have caused in others?
According to Foucault, a spiritual pursuit for the truth requires either a conversion movement or a form of work of self upon the self to make the subject capable of truth. Having completed this work and gaining access to the truth the subject is transformed again by it – they are enlightened, their soul tranquil. Perhaps this is why I make - I think of my work as a form of work upon myself, a labour of ascesis. It will take all the time I have left. There is not enough.